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Our Pedagogy

(Pedagogy relates to the “how” or practice of educating. Refers to, “that set of instructional techniques and strategies which enable learning to take place and provide opportunities for acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes and dispositions within a particular social and material context)


Here at Peter Pan Nursery, our intent is to provide a rich and nurturing environment for all our children to grow and reach their full potential so they are prepared for their future. We do this within the “moment planning” with aspects of adult-led learning which helps to scaffold the children’s learning.






Our intent is implemented by providing an exciting and enriching environment throughout the early year's foundation stages framework which encompasses the 7 areas of learning. We provide this within our approach of “in the moment planning”. At the moment is a play-based approach that is child-led, our experienced practitioner plan for the here and now and extend children’s learning through a child’s spark and creating exciting invitations to play. Our environment is interesting and full of curious opportunities.  






The way in which we implement our planning is how we recognise the impact this has on the children’s learning and development. We do termly summative assessments that inform us of where the children are in their development, helping us to encourage their next steps and celebrate the children’s achievement. We are constantly reflecting on our practice and use the Bristol Standard to review our ongoing development.

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