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Early Years Entitlement

Funding Information

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As of April 2024, Peter Pan will be accepting the new free early education entitlements which will include: under 2s from working families, 2 year olds from working families, eligible 2 year olds, 3-4 year olds on universal credit, 3-4 year olds with extended hours (from working families) based on availability.

To read our full Admissions Policy please click here

Peter Pan Nursery are happy to offer both the Universal Entitlement of Early Years Funding and the Extended Entitlement of Early Years Funding for working parents. Your child is entitled to the funding the term after their third birthday. Their birthday must fall before the cut-off date in order to receive the funding the following term.


We also offer places for those children eligible for two-year-old funding. There are certain criteria that apply in order to receive this funding. Please see below for more information regarding the requirements for this.


What am I entitled to?

All children are entitled to 15 funded hours per week, for 38 weeks per year. As most children attend Peter Pan Nursery all year round, this is spread as 12 funded hours per week, for 47.5 weeks per year. There are 3.5 weeks per year that the nursery is open, but no EY funding is available. During these weeks your child’s bookings will be charged in full. A copy of the funding calendar is on display at the nursery.  Please ask in the office if you would like a copy.


How do I claim it?

You will be required to complete a form with your child’s personal details and we will need to see a copy of your child’s birth certificate. You will also be required to complete a termly headcount form as proof that your child is attending the setting. For two-year-olds, we need authorisation from the local authority that you fulfil the criteria and you will be required to complete the headcount forms. Where parents earn at least the equivalent of 16 hours per week at the National Minimum Wage (and no more than £100,000 p.a.), children will be entitled to the Extended Entitlement for working parents. Children can claim up to an additional 12 funded hours per week. To claim this funding you will need an entitlement code, which can be applied for by visiting


For additional help with finances, please check out (as pictured below). This simple to use questionnaire helps determine the right offer for you. 













Additional charges

An Additional Services Charge is applied to all funded hours delivered. This charge covers the cost of all consumables, nappies, wipes, drinks, snacks, cooked lunches, tea, all craft supplies and resources. Please ask at the nursery if you would like a copy of our more detailed information sheet regarding Early Years funding.  



Two-year-old funding eligibility

The following two years olds may be eligibleParents who are in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support

  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance

  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance

  • Support under part 6 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

  • The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit

  • Tax credit and have an annual income of less than £16,190 (as assessed by HM Revenue and Customs)

or if the 2-year-old:

  • Has a statutory statement of Special Educational Needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan. (Parents cannot self-refer for funding based on this criteria)

  • Has left local authority care through a Special Guardianship Order, adoption or residence Order

  • Is currently a Looked After Child, e.g. in foster care

  • Is in receipt of Disability Living Allowance


Parents and carers need to complete a funding form online. Once awarded the funding continues even if your circumstances change or if you choose to move your child to another provider. Your local Children’s Centre can help you with your decisions.




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